Saturday, December 06, 2014

How to Have Effective Communication Skills

We have gone through this word (communication skill) several times, either at work on the internet or somewhere else. The basic definition of it can be: “The ability to convey information to others, effectively and efficiently is known as communication skills.

Communication is a basic skill. Our ability to communicate largely determines our happiness. When we communicate effectively we make good friends, we’re valued at work. It also increase our social support, if we’re not good communicators, we’ll find our life deficient in one or more areas.

I still remember, when I was a young teenager my poor communication skills was a barrier in my every achievement. I used to feel awkward to go out of my house. During my school life, I was quite dumb. I was not extraverted, that got me bullied many times in school. After some time I questioned myself, is this how I want my entire life to pass? The answer was always ‘No’. But unfortunately I was not working for the progress of this question.

When I joined college I made new friends. I started feeling comfortable, and started communicating with my new buddies. I joined new social societies through which I was able to improve my social interactions. I also started enjoying my life. The question might arise that, how did I start being so confident? The answer is my dedication towards it and my Self awareness. After completing my school, I made up my mind that I don’t want to suffer in this manner any more! I started working for my skills progress by attending several motivational sessions. By interacting with people around me and being a little gregarious. I often say to myself, why to feel shy when you have a tongue and a good tone of voice?

These days, everyone is so occupied with their own struggles that, they cannot contribute in easing our struggles. To improve our communication skills, it has to come from within. I believe each one of us possess the ability to convey their thoughts effectively, all we need is motivation, courage and will.  Communicating really well isn’t necessarily innate, but, it can be learned and improved. Hard work is the key to success. Trial and practices is what make things perfect.

There is a high probability of success when people develop right communication skills. Statistics have shown that about 85% of our success is directly dependent on our communication skills. This research proves that no matter how ambitious, how committed, and how highly educated one is, one has to improve his/her communication skills in order to gain success. When a person gets a privilege to be free and to expand his reach beyond his inner circle, communication skills play a significant factor to determine results.

“The quality of life is the quality of your communication.” ~Tony Robbins.

All the important aspects of life require communication. From relationships in personal life to group works in professional life, communication is the element that cannot be ignored. Having such significance, below are the steps that will help you improve your communication with others.

1.      The very first step for effective skill is to look inward. To realize in what scenario are you comfortable and uncomfortable? How can you make that style work for you? Pay attention to how others perceive you. Express yourself positively and clearly.

2.      The second step is to be you. Don’t try to copy any other effective speaker. Everyone has different tactics of communication. It is better to be yourself rather than being second version copy of someone else. Simply, realize your tactics and strengths and start working on it.

3.      In order to want people start listen to you, you have to first start listen to others. A good listener is someone who can concentrate and don’t lose focus on the subject.  Listening is what connects people together.

4.      Third step is body language, art of expressing without words. Body language conveys lots of expression of our inner feelings and thoughts. As what I have noticed in my presentations is that, holding a pen or a pencil boost up your confidence up to 30%.

5.      Label yourself positively. Give your listener the impression that you’re enthusiastic about talking to them and care about them. This phenomenon can make your listener feel better.

6.    Ask open-ended questions about their interests. When you help them gain a new, positive perspective about their situation, they can feel a deep sense of connection with you.

Hopefully these few pointers will help you to enhance your communication skills as they have helped me.

Group members:
  1. Zeeshan Ali
  2. Faizan Junejo


  1. Its a really impressive piece of work. Well done !

  2. Truely agree with it. Communication skills is the source of how we inteeact and behave infront of society and at work places, which enhances our better work activities and helps us in different business areas..

    1. Exactly I agree with you. I hope these tips were somehow helpfull :)

  3. Its a very informative article.
    Good work, Keep it up!

  4. It's a good piece as an initiative. Excellent job Zeeshan.

  5. Words are singularly the.most powerful force available to humanity. we can choose this force constructively with the words of encouragement..I really appreciate this effort..

  6. Such n amazing and informative blog!

    1. Thanks. Hope you enjoyed reading it :)

  7. Amazing article ...great job

  8. Brilliant. I totally agree with all the points.
    A good piece of writing to inspire others working out on their speaking skills. Thumbsup!

  9. Really informative and helpful

  10. good research and thinking on communications skills :)

  11. Truth be told, I have come to known so much about effective communication skills through this post. I never really had focused on the results we can get by effectively communicating.

    1. Exactly! Thanks for your positive response :)

  12. it's so useful... well done!

  13. it's so useful... well done!

  14. great writing for those who want to learn

  15. i secind your thoughts

  16. i liked it
    very inspiring

  17. the tips seems to be effective

  18. Well done boy..(y)

  19. So inspiring :) Greattt workkkkk :)

  20. Very Informative.Thanks :)

    1. No issues. Thanks to you for your response :)

  21. An excellent piece of work ;)

  22. quite good work
    it's really help full

  23. Great piece of work zeeshan =) good job (y)
