Monday, December 08, 2014



 Fashion is glamour. Fashion is not only the dress codes or newly-made items, but also a complete thought which is evolved in the society by person-to-person or any other social sources. Fashion is synonymous with “new and glamour”. Nothing, in coming days, can change its terminology. As fashion is for people, it is linked with personal satisfaction and believes of a particular sector. Fashion neglects and eliminates old heritage and culture, and introduces a new thought, which has never existed in the society.

 Fashion is mostly appreciated because of its new themes and ideas. Human psychology has proved that coming up with new and attractive things maintains the mental health and acts against the depressing status. Don’t get confused that fashion is only the new designs of dresses and personal grooming styles. Fashion can be defined as “the prevailing mode of action or style of dress, custom, behavior, etiquette, etc. It is very broad in meaning. Some example of fashion can be listed as new hairstyle, new style of singing , new kind of interior decorations, new way of marriage celebrations, new tone of communication, new way of living, new plan to celebrate birthday parties, new interesting goods to possess for a limited time until its worth exists, etc. These examples have solidified my stance that fashion is extremely broad in meaning and it can’t be referred to some particular things only.

 In some way fashion helps us to show who we are and depict our personality in the terms of visual information. In the way we choosing clothes we show our attitude to world and other people. It is also some kind of communication. We put some of our personality at everything, how we behave at different situations, what we eat and which style of clothes we choose at shops. All the parts of it build the main stream of fashion. But, despite our personality, every person at the world has something in common. Even if it’s the smallest thing. All over the world there are a lot of people who have the same tastes, who choose the same food and trousers of the same kind. There are a lot of traits which build the fashion of today.

 The trends influence our life. All trends which influence us show which social group we belong to. It is called common replete identical life style. The most representative trend is wearing the latest and getting things which considered being fashionable. Modern society creates fashion on branding. There are not companies and manufactures anymore. Customers think in the terms of brands. Entrepreneurs are able to occupy niche and communicate to their target market offering people of a definite life style what they want and need, or even create a demand by themselves. Watches, shoes, jewelry, sun glasses…. Fashion creates styles of everything we wear. The same is true with t the attitude of cuisines. They have their own identity. French people and those who love French cuisine eat French foods and like to have French cuisine. Fans of Chinese food prefer chicken corn soup. Moreover, we Pakistanis mostly prefer biryani.

 Fashion is the representative of modern ethics also. If you do not like the modern fashion you do not like the condition of modern society.

 By looking into the Fashion’s world, I see David Beckham as the best representative for fashion in aspect of men’s dress up. He appears in such a form that is liked by men all over the world. According to me, he is a universal model for men’s fashion. But, as I have told you that it’s not only about the dressing codes, hence it is not finished on Beckham only.

 Fashion blogging can also be found nowadays, which solidifies my stance that fashion is not only a centralized thought, but also a theme which is evolved by person to person. Mariano Di Vaio writes fashion’s blogs, in which he shows new hairstyles he has came up with.

 Discussing much about the fashion, now I would like to share some of my likes in the aspect of fashion. I like spikes in hairstyle, Italian food in cuisine, Hyper-star mall for shopping, J.J as a designer, etc.

 In a nutshell, Fashion is something which grooms and rehabilitates the society by its new ideas, which are evolved by persons in a systematic manner by social interactions. Moreover, it terminates old thoughts, culture, and standards of living. 



  1. Fashion is all about our lifestyle .. nice blog

  2. glamorous piece of article

  3. Well explained. :-)

  4. This actually broadened my personal definition of fashion..very well written!!

  5. Good one, worth reading it!

  6. Nice piece of writing ... (Y)

  7. Gud work really appreciable (y)

  8. I like how you have shared your interests too in the end. Good Read!

    1. Thanks Sarwat! thats what the blog deals with.

  9. Good work.
    keep writing =)

  10. Fashion has different aspects and many of them were mentioned. Overall its complete

  11. felt great to read, simple and amazing!

  12. Word fashion is it self glamorous and the way yuh wrote amazing.

  13. Fashion is itself a stunning and ever green stuff, more one can meticulously judge more one can learn , good keep it up!!
